On mobile, the web & related things.
It was a privilege sharing my thoughts at MobiFest held August 17 at the University of Lagos. Impressive ideas were discussed, challenging issues were raised and there was meaningful networking by industry players.
The web & mobile space is getting pretty much heated in recent times in Nigeria. There’s no doubt things are changing in the Nigerian technology space especially in the area of software like we’ve seen in the telecoms and banking sectors.
I believe that someday we’ll have internet billionaires in Nigeria but I doubt if it’ll be as soon as 5 years as predicted by Chika Nwobi at MobiFest due to some peculiar Nigerian issues.
However, I decided to share my thoughts on what we must do as mobile industry players to accelerate the growth of mobile technology in Nigeria:
1) Innovation – I believe we can do a lot more in the area of creating solutions that are useful and relevant to users here. We’ve not seen enough creative ideas that can jump start a revolution. I usually tell developers: “the easiest way to get ideas is to ask the users. Your family, friends are those who’ll use these solutions so you can start by finding out exactly what they would love to do with their phones”. You’ll be amazed by what you’d find.
2) Global in Thought - Local in Deed - Culture is one of the biggest hindrances to the growth of technology in general in Nigeria. Why should I use Google Maps when I can easily ask someone for directions? , the average user thinks. We need to make our technology and products world class yet our implementations suited to local needs and relevance. You can’t copy & paste technology here. You’ll get massive “ERRORS”!
3) Collaboration - Conferences like MobiFest should be held regularly, dedicated to mobile ideas, challenges and solutions and I suggest at a quarterly rate. More people should get involved and the larger companies with interest in the mobile space need to lead the way in terms of support and sponsorship.
4) Web first – Mobile can’t grow without the web growing first. Before mobile technology will experience real growth there must have been giant solutions in the web space. What I suggest to independent product developers is to go ahead succeed on the web probably create a platform that creates useful content that you can wrap mobile technologies around.
5) Open Sesame – We need to create an open system like we see with the recent app store revolution. Someone asked if there was a regulatory body for developers at the conference & I kicked against the idea. I mean you can regulate firms but developers? You’ll kill the little existent innovation in the market. I want to be able to use apps developed by Nigerian 10 year olds soon.
6) Users! Users! Users! - people must be motivated in some way to use mobile technologies and apps either using the “bandwagon effect” like we see with the current Blackberry trend. Whatever works! The issue is if that no matter how good your app or solution is you need to get users on board to be profitable.
I take time out to appreciate the efforts of Emmanuel Okoegwale and his team in putting MobiFest 2010 together as well as all the participants ... and to all those who are doing something today to add value to Nigerians using the mobile platform, I say well done. See you at the top!
Feel free to drop me a mail at oduntanodubanjo@gmail.com on anything "mobile + Nigeria" related.
Follow me on Twitter: @odustriangle
Culled from The Punch on the Web - Tuesday, 1 Jun 2010
Tagged ‘Team Indwell’, The trio of Abiola Olaniran, Adeboye Oshinaga and Akinbiyi Omole, 400 levels students of the Faculty of Technology, OAU will compete with contestants from other countries later this year.
The Development Platform Manager, Microsoft Nigeria, Mr. Ken Span said, ”This is the third year Nigeria has sent a team to the Imagine Cup finals. This year saw an increase in the number of schools and students participating in the annual Microsoft sponsored software competition. It is the ”World Cup” of student software competition. All of Nigeria is wishing for Team Indwel‘s success at the finals in Poland.
This is the team‘s second attempt at representing Nigeria at the World Finals, and they beat five other teams at the keenly contested event to come out tops.
Team Indwell‘s winning title was ‘Brain Media‘. According to the team, the software creates access to quality education throughout the world. This is done by coming up with a platform that builds relationships, which combines people (teachers, children, students and other professionals) in the developed nations with those in the under-developed and developing nations. Through this, quality resources are made available for every-body irrespective of their geographical location, political climate and gender inequality.
After this was my presentation titled “Life of a Google Intern” which covered my experience at Google.
Up next was the special address by the Head of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Prof. E. R. Adagunodo who spoke about the need for greater collaboration amongst academic and technology institutions.
Google branded T-shirts were given as prizes during the “How Googley are you quiz” that rounded up the event.
Special guests for the day (L-R) H. O. D of Computer Science, Prof. Adagunodo, Dr. Saibu (lecturer, Department of Economics, OAU), Mr Aladesanmi (Coordinator, Cisco Networking Academy, OAU) and Dr. Oluwatope (lecturer, Department of Computer Science & Engineering).
I also acknowledge the support obtained from the team I put together to implement these Ambassador programs. They served as master of ceremonies, presenters and where also in charge of logistics on the day.
A product of the programs launched on G-Ife day was the first in the series of the OAU Developer Tech Talks held the next day, Friday, May 7th at another location on Campus. It had over 35 people attending and the topic was “History of UNIX and Introduction to Linux” and the instructor is a classmate who specializes in Unix/Linux System Administration, Korede Aguda. Feedback was awesome and we are planning to have an advanced session.
- It is designed to work on the most common phone screen resolutions around. ((240 X 320) and (128 X 160)).
- It runs on Java powered mobile phones.
- It can be transfered/installed via bluetooth or USB.
- It can be installed and removed by the user anytime.
- Its installation file size is only 153kB.
The program had participants from various faculties including the Social Sciences, Science and of course, Technology. The course work covered basic Java syntax and Control Structures, Java Applets and Multimedia, Object Oriented Programming concepts, GUIs, Data Structures, Java ME programming and Accelerated Career Development Tips.
All participants were encouraged to develop projects applying concepts taught. The Computer Science (CS) students developed interactive games and applications while the Non-CS students came up with brilliant applications in their fields of study.
...with CS students
Bolaji (Pharmacy) developed an application that would give users details of possible drug interactions for a given drug. Femi (Physics) developed a desktop GUI application that shows the course list for students in his Department. He also has plans to develop a mobile version.
The program was creatively designed to not only pass on knowledge but empower people with application ideas & opportunities and printed lecture notes and relevant practical exercises were given for each session.
A message from one of the most outstanding students, Femi reads: “Thanks for the Java training. Your light will continue to shine brighter….I’m doing this because I know you gave us more that what we gave you for the training…”
I strongly believe that these guys will go on to develop life changing applications cutting across the mobile, web and desktop platforms in Nigeria and indeed Africa.
All Glory be to God for the opportunity to influence lives.
*Watch out for the launch of BuukWorm Mobile!